The LORD is moving in the heavenlies over SA and destroying the strongholds of the enemy! Father gave us the symbols of the SHOFAR (worship, intercession, declaration) and SWORD (war in the heavenlies against the enemy). He has heard the prayers of all His people across SA and has come and will continue to come in power!
He will come into this land and change things, but this will be step by step. His glory will come down across the land like a golden cloud as we prayed, and His presence will fill the land. But His power was not fully unleashed immediately, but step by step.
Just as Israel took possession of the promised land step by step, so He would go ahead of His people and take possession of SA step by step. Together we are moving into a new destiny with God, just like Israel crossed the Jordan supernaturally with God into the promised land.
Just like Israel, WE are the ARMY OF GOD moving with His presence and power to each place. We MUST keep walking with Him, praying, trusting, surrendering and following Him as He moves across the land into every place until this whole land is filled with His presence and power.
We must NOT, like Israel, take our eyes off Him for any reason. Father expects us to move WITH Him, flow WITH Him, and in each place BE the LIGHT and VOICE of God where and when He shows us, until He is Lord of SA!
Isaiah 60:1 : "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you!"