My Chosen
(Ref: 25/16)

Oil painting done on boxed canvas (45 mm thick)
The sides are painted as well - ready to hang on the wall

Size of canvas :1200 x 850 mm


Prints Available

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A Rock Rose is a symbol of Satan that is defeated. It means to roar!
It is also a symbol of authority and thus symbolizes Christ WHO is the Rock.
He is also the beauty in the desert.
Deut 32:4  "The Lord is the Rock, and his work is perfect! Yes, all his ways are right! God is true and faithful. He is good and honest. 
Psalm 18:2  The LORD is my Rock, my fortress, my place of safety. He is my God, the Rock I run to for protection. He is my shield; by his power I am saved. He is my hiding place high in the hills. 

Isa 35:1-7  The dry desert will rejoice. The desert will be glad and blossom. 
It will be covered with flowers and dance with joy. It will be as beautiful as the forest of Lebanon, the hill of Carmel, and the Sharon Valley. This will happen because all people will see the Glory of the LORD. They will see the beauty of our God. 
Make the weak arms strong again. Strengthen the weak knees. 
People are afraid and confused. Say to them, "Be strong! Don't be afraid!" Look, your God will come and punish your enemies. He will come and give you your reward. He will save you. 
Then the eyes of the blind will be opened so that they can see, and the ears of the deaf will be opened so that they can hear. 
Crippled people will dance like deer, and those who cannot speak now will use their voices to sing happy songs. This will happen when springs of water begin to flow in the dry desert. 
Now people see mirages that look like water, but then there will be real pools of water. There will be wells in the dry land where water flows from the ground. Tall water plants will grow where wild animals once ruled. 

You are called to blossom in the dessert. When travelers pass. By they must be stound by what they see.  It is your calling to make them stop and see there is beauty in the dessert. Hope and ultimately direct them to the source of living water in the dessert so that they too can become blossoming roses in the dessert.

Isa 43:18 - 20
"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall sprout; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
The beasts of the field shall honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches; because I give waters in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen." 

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