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I am Woman
(Ref 10/13)

Oil painting done on stretched canvas (5 cm thick)
Painting does not need to be framed —sides are painted
Size 1200 x 1350mm


“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; and before you came forth from the womb, I sanctified you. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Jer 1:15
The Bride is sanctified and purified (by fire). Purity is not a gift. It is a result of repentance, and a serious pursuit of God. Holiness is not a feeling – it is the end product of obedience.
P22. Frances J. Roberts.” Come away my Beloved”

I am Woman
By Lauren Jacobs

I am Woman – I choose to be undefined.
Undefeated but despised.
Rejected, Dismembered, Disgraced, Maltreated.But I am Woman – unafraid to be seen.
I am me – a woman and everything that means.
Unafraid, Hand-made, Warrior, Ruler, poet
Queen, Boldly powerful,
With a need to be seen.
This is Woman – take a look and see
Object, Subject, Beaten Silenced
But still undefeated; Queen.
I am Woman! Possessing a powerful form.
Victorious, Impassioned, Courageous,
Spirited. Formidable.
She is Woman and all that means!
Captain, Healer Fighter, A Freer.
Impassioned, Emblazoned, Powerful, Whole.
I am woman, a spark inflamed, crowned with glory
That is all of me. She is woman, poet, ruler, Warrior, Queen.




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